

Hexylresorcinol is an organic compound with local anaesthetic, antiseptic and anthelmintic properties.
It is available for use topically on small skin infections, or as an ingredient in throat lozenges. Johnson & Johnson markets hexylresorcinol in its Neutrogena and RoC skincare products as an anti-aging cream. It is marketed as S.T. 37 by Numark Laboratories, Inc. (in a 0.1% solution) for oral pain relief and as an antiseptic.
A study published in Chemical Research in Toxicology shows that 4-hexylresorcinol used as a food additive (E-586) exhibits some estrogenic activity, i.e. resembles action of the female sex hormone estrogen.
In one study, 4-hexylresorcinol increased the shelf life of shrimp by reducing melanosis (black spots).
In mice with cancer, 4-hexylresorcinol inhibited NF-κB and extended their survival rate.

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